It’s time to incorporate St. George Island, Florida.

St. George Island is known as a quiet island with outstanding natural beaches, free from high rises, traffic, and crowds. As with any exceptional location, we have grown over the years. The island’s desirability has brought not only new residents and visitors, but also investors whose interests may not be in line with the way of life that we residents want to preserve.

Unmanaged and unplanned development has a negative impact on the island. It’s time for the people who are invested in preserving our island to take action to protect our environment from outside influences.

Our low-density zoning and strict building codes have been eroded as developers attempt to change the character of our island. Our lack of representation in county government makes St. George Island vulnerable to more development driven by greed, rather than by the best interests of the community.

Why are our roads and sidewalks crumbling? Because our property tax dollars are not reinvested on our island. Instead, our tax dollars are disproportionally spent on other areas of Franklin County. Our island’s basic infrastructure and recreational amenities are a poor reflection of our strong, vibrant community.

For years, community groups of volunteers have worked to make incremental improvements in our island’s infrastructure and amenities. But our lack of political representation has been a constant obstacle. The best way to protect our island’s natural environment and small-town character, while pursuing long-term goals for a thriving and inviting central business district, is to incorporate as a self-governing town.

The Town of St. George Island will have one goal: preserve and protect the quality of life for residents and visitors of our island.

A recent article in the Apalachicola Times outlined the steps taken thus far towards incorporating St. George Island.

Why Incorporate SGI?

Incorporation Allows SGI to Plan for Its Own Future

Preserve SGI’s Unique Character

  • Stop granting waivers and exceptions that are allowing high density housing in the commercial district

  • Maintain low density housing throughout the residential district

  • Improve environmental stewardship to protect sea turtles and dark skies

  • Preserve the quality of life on SGI for residents, visitors, and business owners

  • Protect the unique, laid-back, uncrowded, small-town character of SGI

Support Small Businesses

  • Create a comprehensive plan to support

    current and future locally-owned businesses

  • Make commercial district more walkable

  • Improve parking for residents and visitors

Enhance Public Safety

  • Fully support our fire department with needed training and equipment

  • Add beach patrols and warning systems

  • Increase law enforcement throughout the island

Repair Crumbling Infrastructure

  • Address flooding and drainage issues

  • Fix dangerous road conditions and faded signage

  • Improve unsafe boat launch

  • Maintain and repair public restrooms