Why Incorporate SGI?

Preserve the unique character of the island.

Preserving our natural beauty by maintaining low density housing throughout the residential district and not allowing high density housing in any area of the island are fundamental objectives of this process. Under our current zoning management, exceptions are being allowed that are resulting in high density residential housing. For example, the size of land required to build a single home in the residential area would accommodate up to five homes within the business district. This type of high-density housing has not been allowed in any other area in Franklin County, and the county has no plans to stop these types of developments. If we as a community do not undertake the process of creating a comprehensive plan to stop the high-density housing, we could very likely see hundreds of homes within a very small area of the island. We could also see business locations being removed to support even more housing. Consuming the business district with residential housing will permanently remove our ability to support local businesses on the island. Having a range of businesses on the island, from grocery stores to a bank branch to retailers to professional services, is important to the quality of life for residents and the experience of visitors.

Improve environmental stewardship.

St. George Island is one of the last remaining places in Florida where sea turtles can nest with virtually no impact from humans, and where people can easily see the Milky Way on a summer night. With smart policies, our town can help residents live in harmony with nature and preserve these precious resources for future generations to enjoy.

Support small businesses.

The original design of the business district was to support small businesses in a walkable environment. Haphazard granting of exceptions and waivers along with lack of investment by the county has prevented this vision from becoming a reality. As a town, we will have the resources to put a comprehensive plan in place to support current and new locally owned businesses, including sidewalks and improved parking.

Enhance safety.

A significant portion of the fire department funding is dependent on donations and fund raising. As a town, we will be able to fully fund the fire department guaranteeing its continued operations without being dependent on donations. We will also be able to:

  • Provide needed training and equipment. Currently the cost of training and travel expenses are the responsibility of the individual volunteer. The lack of funding for training has created a critical lack of expertise given our growth and population.
  • Add beach patrols and warning systems for the safety of our first responders and visitors. The island is a tremendous tourist destination and with that we must protect not only our first responders, but also our guests who are unfamiliar with the dangers of the gulf waters. The lack of training, equipment, and overall plan has resulted in injuries and deaths that may have been preventable if better support had been provided.
    • Increase law enforcement through the Sheriff’s office to address the increase in thefts and other crimes affecting our residents and visitors. With the increase in tourist activity, St. George Island has become a target for property theft and other violations such as speeding and reckless activities by underage drinking. Securing a tighter relationship with the Sheriff’s department and having a more focused approach on criminal behavior is a key to deterring this type of illegal activity.

Repair crumbling infrastructure.

Anyone who lives on St. George Island is familiar with the constant flooding and drainage issues. These issues have been getting more severe over the years as nothing has been done or is planned to be done through the county. We also have dangerous road conditions with potholes and faded or missing road signage. Other amenities for our community have been left to crumble. The boat ramp, public restrooms, and playground are all in poor condition. Only through volunteer community participation, not county planning, are we now seeing the dilapidated bathrooms being rebuilt near the lighthouse. This one repair took years of work through island volunteers to get approved. As a town, we can apply for grants directly without being dependent on the county and work to repair and enhance these amenities.